Wednesday, August 22, 2012


is officially up online! Be sure to check it out and tell us what you think-

Accipe Hoc!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

God is good!

We finished the stop-motion part of our film today! After we get the little bit of editing finished the film should all be ready for our premier next weekend. I am so excited to see how it turns out, I will try to post a link to it as soon as I can. We will be going on tour to different places in the Indy area to showcase our film along with some other short films so it will be likely that I will not be able to post the video until after August 8th. Until then, enjoy these photos from the stop-motion/filming of the live parts.

Accipe Hoc!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July already?!

A week or so ago, I had the opportunity to take some of the band's photos..
Here is a sneak peak, if you would like to see the rest of them go check out the Facebook page! :)

Accipe Hoc!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Once again, I have failed to somewhat keep you updated on what's happening here with 'Accipe Hoc'.

I, Jubilee am attending a summer project with CRU called Keynote. I am getting the opportunity to learn about cinamatography and what all goes into that process. By the end of the summer, the film team as a whole will present a short film which will be created to spark spiritual conversations. I am so excited to be here and see what all God has in store for me, but because of the busyness of the project, I will not be updating my blog OR Facebook page during this time period. I ask that you all would keep me in your prayers and that you would pray that God would do some amazing work in each of our hearts this summer.

Hopefully the next time I post, I will be able to present our short film and maybe if this is a good experience I will be able to add videography to my bag of tricks.

Have a great summer!

Accipe Hoc!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Pikaw is growing up. 


Becuase the head honcho of this little company is the youngest girl of nine kiddos. 
She always has a camera in her possession and her siblings are always bugging her to take pictures.

The thing she hears them say to her most often? 

Jubilee, TAKE THIS!

But, head honchos need to be grown up, so we made a slight change
The English "take this" turned into Latin "accipe hoc" and Pikaw became ACCIPE HOC Photography.

The pictures, craziness and head honcho all remain the same.
The name is the only thing that changed. 
At least until a new lens is purchased...but that's a different story.

Accipe Hoc!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012